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Competitive fellowships, scholarships, and internships聽comprise of a package of resources (frequently financial, but may also include a particular position in a laboratory or at a company) awarded to an applicant to research, study, or work during a designated period of time. They might be funded by a government, a not-for-profit foundation, or a large corporation. They involve a competitive application and selection process, frequently at the national or international level, usually including the submission of a personal statement and other essays.

What is the difference between a fellowship, a scholarship, and an internship? Fellowships聽are usually associated with financial assistance to support research projects (often at the graduate level).聽Scholarships聽are usually associated with financial assistance to pursue studies in general.聽Internships聽are usually associated with paid or unpaid hands-on experience in a company. The application process for these is generally similar.

Applying to a fellowship, scholarship, or internship聽will enable you to聽reflect meaningfully聽on how your previous experiences connect to beliefs, identity, relationships, and future plans; build a sense of authorship,聽self-direction, and focus聽in your academic career; improve your聽communication skills; provide you with an聽experience聽that you would not be able to have otherwise;聽distinguish your academic career聽at John Carroll.